Minggu, 27 Februari 2011


Brain Wave Technology – See the future

The saying “You can do what ever your mind can imagine” is a colloquialism
in self-improvement and motivation in the field. It meant that you can do
Your vision. Therefore, we try and others that it operates through case studies and experience to convince.
The result is the mountain of materials to improve myself, trying to show us how
and do it well and show an impressive list of examples that it works.
But this time I write about something closer to home.
This is the actual progress of the soul or technological brains.
This is what can your mind or the brain to grow in a different direction.
Of course, I’m typing on a computer using the keyboard to control your brain talking.

In theory, it is not difficult. Another story is implemented effectively.
This is done by analyzing our brain the Gulf.
What is found for a group of scientists at Brown University found that certain brain waves
Pattern with the letters on the keyboard instead.
After the decoding done, the rest is done via standard electronic data
and collecting the data transmitted to the computer.
This is implemented and successfully tested, we are approaching our goal
The last obstacle to miss the compact computer and handphones
- The need for a decent keyboard as input device.

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